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JAKOBSDALS |SENNA veggljós | Stórt

Fullt verð 33.900 ISK
Fullt verð Tilboðsverð 33.900 ISK
Skattur innifalinn. Sendingarkostnaður reiknast við greiðslu.

Senna is a round wall lamp made of papier-mâché, which gives a rustic and unpolished expression in its design and texture. Its unique and raw appearance adds a cool and intriguing ambiance to the room, giving the wall an artistic vibe. Senna adds a personal and distinctive touch to home decor and is a detail that elevates the interior to the next level. As the wall lamp is made of papier-mâché, it is not water-resistant and should, therefore, be lightly dusted instead of cleaned with a cloth.